
Applying to be a member of the UKCMA

Membership is open to individuals, private companies or other organisations that provide Crowd Management & Public Safety services – either directly or indirectly.

Full membership criteria and benefits, as well as further details on the Association, can be found here in the Constitution.

Membership is subject to meeting the criteria outlined on the application form and in the Constitution.  This is to ensure we maintain the highest professional standards and retain our status as the authoritative voice of the Crowd Management industry.

Please use the portal below to submit an application.  The short eligibility questionnaire should direct you to the correct application form.  Your application will be scrutinised by the Board before being shared with the wider membership for comment and we may come back to you for additional information during this process.

Please do not submit your application until you have attached all of the required documentation.

If you are unsure which membership option is the most appropriate for your business, please email us at and we will be happy to discuss your options

Full Membership From – £1000.00

Full membership is open to organisations active in the provision of crowd management services as a core activity of their organisation or with a distinct division within their organisation.

They must be able to demonstrate that they have the necessary skills, expertise and experience in the supply of services in the crowd management industry and that those services deliver a total annual turnover directly related to crowd management services exceeding £250,000.00 per annum.

Associate Membership From – £500.00

Associate membership is open to individuals, private companies or other organisations providing support services or acting as stakeholders in the provision of crowd management services.

Examples of organisations and individuals who meet the Associate criteria include, but are not restricted to, individuals or organisations providing consultancy, academic institutions, and councils.

Affiliate Membership From – £175.00

Affiliate membership is open to individuals, private companies or other organisations who have an active interest in the field of crowd management, and have a product or service they regularly sell to the crowd management industry, and who wish to take part in the association’s activities.

Examples of organisations and individuals who meet the Affiliate criteria include, but are not restricted to, companies that sell goods relevant to the crowd management industry (e.g. head counters or safety gates), drone operators, event management companies, providers of medical services for events and mass gatherings.

(Please note that Affiliate Members may only use the UKCMA logo by prior arrangement and for specific projects or campaigns).

Students From – £52.00

Student membership is open to anyone in full time education studying crowd management or any related field at Level 3 / A level or above.  To apply, please complete this application form.

(Please note that Student Members cannot use the UKCMA logo).

Eligibility Questionnaire: