About Us

The United Kingdom Crowd Management Association (UKCMA) was formed in 2001 to represent the interests of key commercial organisations whose primary business is providing crowd management and event security services. The organisation meets three times a year and provides a forum for all members to address the emerging challenges facing the industry.
UKCMA represents the highest professional performers within the sector, discusses progressive views and engages similar minded associations. The UKCMA members offer a voice to the tens of thousands of security professionals engaged within the events industry.
It is consulted by a range of associations and organisations including the Security Industry Authority, ACS Standards and Strategy Group, The Events Industry Forum, Skills for Security, the revision of The Purple Guide, Police and Security Working Group, Home Office SIA Transition Consultation Group, SIA Diversity Conference and endeavours to engage with all strands of the sector.
Most importantly it has a significant impact on the training undertaken and standards achieved in delivering services relating to public safety, pushing the boundaries of training to new levels.
Our Vision:
Shaping the future of the UK crowd management industry as the leading association on crowd management and associated practices.
Our Mission:
The UKCMA achieves its vision by supporting its members to connect with key industry decision makers in the areas that affect policy and practice in crowd management; by connecting quality suppliers to event buyers; by improving standards across the industry in the areas of training, code of conduct, code of practice and industry representation on matters that make a difference to its members and their businesses.
Aims and Objectives:
The aims and objectives of the UKCMA are:
- To promote the UKCMA Code of Practice.
- To improve standards across the UK crowd management industry.
- To be the recognised voice of authority in matters relating to crowd management in the UK.
- To represent the interests of the industry (advice and consultation) to Government bodies, stakeholders and other relevant organisations- UK and International.
- To provide a forum for the exchange of non-competitive information and support between members, subject to full compliance with all applicable UK laws.
The industry will always face challenges, and the landscape within which it operates will continually evolve. Member organisations will diversify; the nature of the work they deliver and clients they serve will be subject to change.
The aims and objectives of the UKCMA, however, remain the same, as the Association represents its members and the industry, regardless of the work they undertake.