Affiliate Membership ApplicationHomeApplicationAffiliate MembershipCompany Name*Contact Name*Contact Email* Any CC email addresses for your organisation (to receive updates). Any CC email addresses for your organisation's accounts department (to receive invoices). Phone - Landline*Phone - mobileAddress* Social Media Details:Website*FacebookTwitterLinkedIn Your Organisation:Please describe the services your organisation provides to the crowd management industry.*Are you registered for VAT?* Yes Noplease provide your VAT number*Legal Status* Limited Company Partnership Sole Trader Self Employed Business References. Please supply the name and contact details for two referees - either existing Full / Associate UKCMA members or clients.Referee 1Please supply the name and contact details for two referees - either existing Full / Associate UKCMA members or clients.Referee 2 Website Information: Please provide the following information which will be displayed on the UKCMA website:Company / Services Description*Company Logo*Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, ai, eps, pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB.Please upload a high res version of your company logo.Public Contact Number*Public Email Address* Named Contact for your Organisation* Member Spotlight (Optional)Would you like to feature in our social media campaign to highlight the new Affiliate membership option?* Yes NoName*Phone*Email* Please provide a paragraph about who you are and why you have joined the UKCMA.*Please provide a headshot / suitable image of yourself to use on social media (Facebook and LinkedIn)*Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, ai, eps, pdf, Max. file size: 512 MB. Please provide the name and contact details for a referee – either a UKCMA member or a current client:How did you find out about the UKCMA?*DeclarationI declare that the information provided as part of this application, is to my knowledge accurate.I confirm that we will comply with the constitution and follow the best practice policies, democratically established by the Board of the UKCMA and all legislation and Industrial requirements.Please confirm* Yes, I confirmName*Position*Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY