Tim Roberts

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Tim Roberts

Safer Crowds, Safer Venues: Learnings from the Recent Past (Day Two)

With experience stretching over 35 years in the live entertainment industry, Tim has worked
onstage, backstage and consulted on a huge range of shows, including festivals, sporting
events, national celebrations, and concerts across the globe. For the last 25 years Tim has been
Senior Consultant at The Event Safety Shop, Bristol, UK.

He has been actively involved in developing international standards and guidance for the
entertainment sector. and a contributor to documents on safety and crowd management for the
American National Standards Institute.

A Founding Director of the Event Safety Alliance (USA), Tim holds an MSc in Crowd Safety and
Risk Analysis and was a contributing author to the American National Standards Institute ES1.9-
2020 standard for crowd management. He has been a Chartered Member of the Institute of
Occupational Safety and Health and holds the NEBOSH Level 6 Diploma in Occupational
Health and Safety.

Having built company operations in the UK, Hong Kong and the USA, Tim has successfully
steered a truly global micro-business, with roles ranging from Lead Silver at Glastonbury
Festival to the Las Vegas Grand Prix and innumerable tours, events and expert witness

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